Making Money With Cell Phones, My First Month Running A Mobile Site
No matter where you go on the web you'll come across something having to do with Mobile and it being the future. With the success of the iPhone (just bought the iPhone 4 it's great) and the App Store Apple defines itself as a mobile company now and no longer a computer computer. Google who's Apple's biggest competitor in the Mobile arena at this point has also been taking major steps to solidify it's position in the market. There open source mobile operating system Android has been very successful over past few years and many feel in the long run it will beat the iPhone in sheer reach. Along with Android Google also purchased Admob the mobile ad network for $750 million.
With all these major companies setting up to control this market, we the little guys should most certainly be moving even quicker to make sure we're ready to profit from the already billion dollar trend.
Just last month I launched my mobile entertainment site  geared towards the music market and I've already turned a profit with barely any traffic. The site is so new that Google hasn't even indexed it yet. I've just been driving traffic to it from my personal websites. I won't tell you the name of the site yet because I don't want the leeches duplicating my efforts this early in game, I have to make sure I'm killing this market first before I reveal anything, the same way I do with all my other websites.
Check out the screenshot from my first month earnings. Via
And that's from one Affiliate network with only traffic from my internal websites, and as you can see the traffic volume isn't even that high, Â I made $1,320 with less than 1600 clicks. You guys have seen my traffic stats for my other sites 2 million visitors a month is a regular thing for me so just imagine where something like this can go. I really haven't dialed this thing in yet with adverting, SEO, Ad Networks etc. With a little hard work this can easily become a 10k a month website in the next few months. And just think mobile is still in it's infant stages.
If you already have a website start looking into implementing mobile apps for your site, and if your running a music site or blog and you haven't implemented ringtones into your site yet your leaving money on the table.
How I Figured Out to Make Money with Cell Phones
I would love to take credit for being the one that came up with the idea but I wasn't. I always had mobile offers incorporated into my site but didn't make allot of money with it so I never gave it much attention. It wasn't until I came across Cell Phone Treasure, a system made by this 18 year kid Adam Horwitz making a minimum of $378 per day through cell phones.
Cell Phone Treasure has video guides showing you exactly how to make real money with cell phones from setting up your site to advertising that site through mobile ad networks and more. He also logs into a couple Clickbank accounts to show you money that he's making live with mobile offers.
Check out Cell Phone Treasure
all I can say is….d$mn…….
Those are very impressive numbers, I just started using to build my mobile sites. They allow me to use Google adsense on my mobile sites, which is good for me because I don't have much experience or time on my hands. Thank you for sharing!
I've been researching this topic and this is the pretty good evidence that it is viable.
Have you ever wondered just how many people in this world use mobile phones now instead of land lines? Has it ever occurred to you that more than 5 billion mobile cell phone users access the internet from their phone to do searches rather than their desk top or laptop at home? Sure you have, and we are living in the evolution of the mobile phone era. Did you know that at least 70% of smart phone users will text before they pick up a land line and call? Think about it, they have “Android” & “Smart Phones”, that practically we live our lives by today. With that being said, I am here to make you aware of the multi-billion dollar mobile phone industry that affiliate marketing has barely scratched the surface. Mobile Marketing is on the rise and there are so many hungry cell phone users out there that are just waiting and willing to spend money via their smart phones online and are just begging for you to help them spend it! Mobile Cell phone gadgets have become so much smaller but grown very big in popularity. For example I have made tons of money from mobile affiliate marketing via ; ; & . These are not your average work at home or affiliate marketing strategies. I have learned a lot from these websites. For example that sometimes there is more money to be made in CPA Leads than actual sales. If you are looking for a different strategy in Internet marketing, mobile marketing is the way to go. I mean think about it for a second, how many times have you heard “I can’t live without my cell phone?”. Or it has been know that people feel like leaving their cell phone behind is equivalent to leaving their wallet, purse, drivers license, money, or credit cards at home. The Smartphone is fast becoming the major communications tool among billions of Americans. We depend on phones more now than ever before. It’s like the oxygen that we have to breathe for survival. As a small business owner reaching this audience is crucial to your or success. Creating an mobile strategy can help you communicate with your customers even when they are on the go. If positioned correctly, you can sell your product or service to your mobile user, it is the most effective marketing platform available today.
In fact, as mobile devices continue to grow in popularity and functionality, this marketing tactic will soon outpace all other forms in terms of volume usage. Through these three websites I assure you that you will definitely learn the mobile marketing game . Also please check out my blog on this subject @ .
To tap into this massive multi-billionaire mobile phone industry that is just waiting to be harvested like a grove of ripe peaches let these websites teach you these basics about Mobile marketing.
Mobile Marketing
Mobile campaign strategy development
Mobile website development and implementation
SMS campaign strategy development
SMS campaign implementation
QR Code implementation and tracking
Lately there is a million question floating around. Is Mobile Marketing Ready For Small Business? No the question should be is Small business ready for Mobile Marketing because it is constantly evolving and is not going anywhere anytime soon. The I Phone is evidence of the evolution!