If Your Website Isn't Mobile Ready Yet, Here's Why It Should Be ASAP
So here what's happening right now and what's about to happen. Smart phone sales are projected to out perform global PC sales within 3 years. Mobile web adoption is growing 8X faster than the equivalent point 10 yrs ago for the desktop. Half of new internet connections are from mobile devices
This is not a trend folks this will be the new standard of what you currently know as the internet. Pretty soon, if your not mobile ready meaning available not only on a PC but on the iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile, then your not in business. This is something that you can look past for maybe another year but you should definitely start looking for solutions that will prepare you for the mobile ecosystem.
For those of you running online stores, you especially should already be building mobile solutions for your websites. A few things happened a few weeks ago that were very interesting in the mobile commerce space, one being eBay Cyber Monday mobile sales went up 146 percent and the other is the iPhone dominated those transactions. Obviously iPhone dominates the transactions at the moment because of it's vast popularity but iPhone's number one competitor the Android platform has been beating out iPhone in sales for the past couple months so don't expect those transactions to continually be dominated by the iPhone.
So what do you need to do going forward? Well if your website is running on WordPress your in good shape because there is a allot of good things happening with WordPress in the mobile space for quite some time now. If your not using WordPress, well you need to start; it's that simple. If not WordPress I would definitely recommend running your website on a open source platform which provides you the flexibility of making changes instantly. If your running a online store or looking to launch a online store I recommend going with a newer company not stuck in the old ways, I've always recommended BigCommerce for building online stores because there so ahead of the curve with the BigCommerce platform. They are already mobile and social ready and even though there a hosted solution they offer a very flexible API.
I'm currently in the planning stages of building a new plugin for WordPress that will turn your website not only into a mobile website for the iPhone, Android and iPad but also publish your site as Apps for those platforms as well. I'll let you know how that goes as I proceed.
y todo lo mejor
Have you ever heard of IZIGG? Mobile couponing? Or text advertising? Well I use Izigg to market to my customers in Chicago , in the U.S. I believe in Mobile media's development, so here is how the IZIGG product works http://nemediachicago.com/ Play the video on the site. Its worth it.
Mobile website, mobile marketing makes sense to me ya know.
But none of your sites is mobile why is that??