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15 years ago

Hey man! this is Buddy the technical support guy! Just want to let you know that your site really rocks!
I've been learning a lot from this website, especially about SEO. I'm working on my new website. It's about computer troubleshooting like how to remove viruses, operating system issues etc. Hopefully I can have my new site up at the 3rd or 4th week of November.
Thanks again man for telling me about this site! I'm really learning a lot from this!

15 years ago

Wow Chozen Your the man. I want to go to school to learn all of these things. I currently have a blogging site which i want to be for up and coming Musicians Like myself. Idk if you got my message on Sound Cloud but I am A Local Rapper As Well As A Blogger. Im Going To do some homework on Website Building and see if i can take my site to the next level. I know i have a long way to go but im going to try, Keep up the good work though because i just do alittle Html coding and that even be kicking my butt sometimes. lmao

Ali Junaid
Ali Junaid
6 years ago


I was just dropping in a quick line to know, if I could send some great article ideas your way for a guest post at your website ?

If you like my suggested ideas, I can then provide you high-quality FREE CONTENT/ARTICLE. In return, I would expect just a favor of a backlink from within the main body of the article.

Do let me know if I can interest you with some great topic ideas?

Best Regards,

Junaid Ali Qureshi

4 years ago


My name is Maria.

I was learning in WordPress (+ Elementor), a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, and JavaScript…
Also, I can do simple editing photos in Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe LightRoom, Also, I can use CorelDraw and AdobeIllustrator.
I can create websites WordPress (+ Elementor), banners, landing pages, logos.

I really want to do web design and web development.
After all, I’m a good person and I want to make great websites and digital products ! 😉

I could do simple tasks for your team. As an intern, no pay.
Can I do any simple tasks for your team?


Best regards
[email protected]

michelle Baird
2 years ago

just want to say, amazing content. keeps the readers and watchers attention. thanks for the great work

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