Who's Behind Site Studio
My name is Glenton Samuels but you can call me Glen, I'm a digital creator, experience designer, entrepreneur and founder of Covenant Media.
I make a living from my own websites Mixtaper, Vlogger, Flavory, and Site Studio.
I also build websites for other people as well and through doing this I've learned many things such as internet marketing, affiliate marketing, SEO, some programming among other things. Site Studio provides tips to bloggers and webmasters to help them improve their websites and make them more profitable.
Where I'm From
I was born and raised in Jamaica, I came to the US in 2000 at the age of 17 and it wasn't by choice. Basically, I was on a path that was taking me to a bad place really fast in Jamaica; I was terrible in school and I was running around in the streets – you name it, I was a part of it. I'm not gonna give a whole life story but basically, my life turned around for the better once I came to the United States.
So long story short I was a bad kid that made good! That being said I'm Jamaican through and through and extremely proud of it, obnoxiously proud!
Why Site Studio?
Through running these different sites I've learned so many things, more than I can remember, I figured it's time to start documenting everything.
This is what led to the birth of Site Builder Tips which then became Site Build Studio and finally Site Studio, a site that offers design, development, social media, and marketing tips, reviews, tutorials as well as tools and services to help you become a better webmaster and earning more money.
Additionally, I provide real-life examples of successful and not so successful (Ok, failures) projects.
There isn't a shortage of sites that teach you how to build and improve your website but I really feel that I can bring some fresh stuff to this space, I'm not a self-proclaimed guru (hate that word), I don't like the internet marketing scene, and I'm not a part of the whole corny make money online scene.
But I'm one of those people that are really making money and out here doing this thing and in many different industries.
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Gimme some feedback
Feel free to drop me a note below, a comment, review, whatever it may be. I'll respond.
Just found your site today and I'm so grateful for all the awesome info you are sharing. I've only been able to spend a hour or two on your site but have learned so much. I'm trying to launch a few websites and your guidance has really helped. Thank you and I look forward to more.
Great site – I'm a big fan of all your websites. You've built an impressive business. I came to the About page looking for Site Builder Tips' twitter feed.
I'm glad I found it, but I thought I'd let you know I had a bit of trouble doing so.
Also – I dig the new logo on mixtapes.tv. Although the old one (with the tape and the tv) was really cool, it did take a second to decipher. The new one is much more straightforward.
Keep grinding.
Thanks for checking out the website, the Twitter link was at the top of the page though the icons are a bit dull.
Honestly I've neglecting this site because I'm busy with so many other projects but one I've streamlined everything, this site will be getting allot more attention. I feel like it will one my most valuable web properties because of the information it provides.